Knowledge Centre
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GA4: Revolutionizing Analytics for Soap Makers, Artisans and Small Businesses
In today's digital age, data-driven decision-making has become crucial to running a successful small business.
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How to get the most of your soap and shampoo bars and prevent cracking
We all love nice looking and beautifully scented soaps and shampoo bars, but... they are not always appealing once they've been left sitting in bubbly water, cracking or even sliding into your sink or bath tub.
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Packaging Innovations - 3 Key Takeaways for Personal Care Market
Product packaging is important for ultimate product experience. Especially, natural and naturally-derived products call for more eco-friendly solutions and consumers are ready to pay for it.
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Stephenson Launches Innovative Ultra Mild Soap-free Syndet Base, Syndopal
After more than five years in development, UK-based global speciality personal care and ingredients manufacturer Stephenson has launched a ground-breaking new soap base. Manufactured as a hot emulsion using Stephenson’s patented Durosoft technology and further processed with a standard industry vacuum spray drier and extruders (Updated February 2019).
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How Lucy Bee is growing her business with a new coconut soap bar
Lucy Bee approached Stephenson at the end of 2016 with a challenge to develop a natural soap bar using 100% coconut oil – expanding her current range of natural product range for her customers. Learn how Stephenson helped her launch 100% coconut bar.
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Ingredient Spotlight: Coconut Oil in the Personal Care Sector
Coconut Oil has been traditionally used in food and personal care applications throughout history. Its popularity is high thanks to the health benefits.
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What makes shower and bath products foam?
We get asked a lot about foaming properties in personal care products. From the consumers perspective, foaming is associated with better cleansing properties, although from the technical angle they are not linked. However, brands are looking to match customer demand and foaming abilities are an important aspect when innovating new personal care products. So what makes them foam?
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6 Key Beauty & Personal Care Trends Beyond 2018
Top 6 trends impacting the personal care sector going beyond 2018. Brands need to up their game, as consumers are driving demand for more natural and organic products in cosmetics and sustainability is high on the list of expectations.
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Importance of social media community and growth of influencers
One aspect of social media that we feel is becoming more apparent, is the use of social influencers. In the ever-changing social & digital landscape, social influencers provide an opportunity to explore different avenues and strengthen the connecting bond with customers and community.