Stephenson pays it forward with support for Getting Clean social enterprise

Latest News Calendar Date 27/08/2024

Stephenson, a global leader in personal care and cosmetic ingredients, has pledged its support for Yorkshire-based social enterprise CIC Getting Clean.

This volunteering project was formed by recovering addicts to support those still struggling with addiction in local communities in Leeds, helping them stay clean and sober. Getting Clean’s ‘Soap with Hope’ programme assists recovering people with an addiction in therapeutic soap-making workshops.

Getting Clean founder Chris Sylvester explains, “I established Getting Clean to provide peer-to-peer support to people in drug and alcohol recovery, giving them a purpose and opportunity to help others. While we are still in the early phases of setting up, we appreciate the support of local businesses with donations that allow our work to thrive.

"We are very excited about our collaboration with Stephenson, specialist developers and suppliers of soap bases and ingredients to the global beauty and personal care industry, and their generous donation of soap bases to our cause," he notes.

While Getting Clean is focused on recovery, the social enterprise is also invested in supporting the environment. Its team works hard to uplift the local environment through cleaning activities and sustainability initiatives in the area.

“By repurposing excess soap bases, we can do our bit to close the loop - offsetting waste while gaining access to fantastic soap bases to produce our products, which is a win-win for all,” Chris notes.   

Timothy Pulleyn, Marketing Manager at Stephenson, concurs: “The Getting Clean team first visited us on May 17th. Since then, we’ve supplied the organisation with three pallets of Melt & Pour soap base—a great start in supporting this initiative.”

Getting Clean’s products are currently being sold at artisan craft fairs, farmers’ markets, and online. In time, the Getting Clean team aims to scale production to keep up with demand. To anticipate this, Stephenson’s technical team is spending quality lab time mentoring the team on how to best process melt-and-pour soap bases into beautifully finished products.

“For Stephenson, the Getting Clean programme is about more than just stopping taking drugs or abusing alcohol. Chris and his team are hugely inspirational, and we’re proud to support such a worthwhile cause that will not only have positive benefits for the community, families, and individuals but touches on broader sustainability issues and the environment too,” Tim concludes.

For more information on Getting Clean or to contact the Stephenson’s team, please go to

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Timothy Pulleyn
Timothy Pulleyn Marketing Manager

Tim uses data and trends from the likes of market-leading brands, manufacturers and research companies to understand where customers should focus on future new product development.