As 2022 comes to a close, we find ourselves getting into the true Christmas spirit here at Stephenson, giving gifts to others.
Multiple global challenges including wars, political unrest and economic factors have had an effect on everyone this year, and many families all over the world will be struggling to heat their homes or put food on the table. With energy, food and fuel prices continuing to increase, those who previously were able to make charitable donations to foodbanks may find that they can no longer do so, and as a result many foodbanks are not seeing the donations they once anticipated at this time of year. That’s why this year we have decided to support a local foodbank close to our headquarters in Leeds.
By supporting Leeds North and West Foodbank in Burley, we can help provide and support to local people referred to them during these tough times. This food bank is a part of a nationwide network supported by The Trussell Trust, working together to combat poverty and hunger across the UK. You can read some fantastic stories where support has helped change lives here.