Become part of Stephenson’s success story - join our reseller network

Latest News Calendar Date 17/07/2024
Become part of Stephenson’s success story - join our reseller network

The importance of quality personal care products cannot be overstated, particularly for products linked to strong consumer drivers such as naturalness, sustainability, and personalisation.  

To stay on top of rapidly changing trends, brands expect ingredient and material suppliers and resellers to share the latest product solutions and innovations quickly, to increase speed to market for new product lines and reformulations.  

Our focus on creative chemistry means that when you become part of Stephenson’s reseller network, you will have access to the very latest trendsetting product solutions. This will enable you to better serve your customers, particularly around naturally sourced ingredients, sustainability, and the natural world.  

Working towards a sustainable future  

At Stephenson, we are committed to limiting the impact of our products on the environment, a key selling point for new products. We do this by actively studying the environmental impact of our company and its products, and by constantly reviewing and implementing processes that will allow us to innovate more sustainably and ensuring a lasting legacy for future generations.   

As a reseller, you will have access to information highlighting our key product USPs, including our commitment becoming a more sustainable business.   

We are focused on three of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: The good health and well-being of our staff and employees,by focusing on what we want to achieve for our future workforce including a focus on a great work/family balance, and our ongoing Health and Well Being scheme and collaboration with the Getting Clean charity.  

We are also focused on investing in innovation and infrastructure. We have achieved tangible results in our electric fleets, boiler burner updates, and titanium free soap as a few exampled in addition to working on working on a chiller and steam pipework upgrades which will impact our energy efficiency. Lastly, our focus as a company that is responsible when it comes to consumption and during production. Here some of our successes include that we have achieved Green Energy supply, ISO 14001, the Antithesis Carbon study. We are continuing our focus on waste recuction, upping our recyled content and understanding our water data.   

In addition, we are strong advocates of the use of RSPO palm oil, working closely with POIG and RSPO to help change the perception around these materials while expanding our product range with more RSPO-certified sustainable products. 

This focus on sustainability is impacting how we view packaging too, helping brands to develop finished products that allow for more balanced packaging options. As a reseller, you can become part of our vision to limit excess packaging by pioneering solid-format personal care products, including soap, shampoo, and conditioning bars. 

We don’t greenwash our products  

We are also honest about the sustainability and certification of our products. It is estimated that up to half of green claims lack the evidence to back these claims. This follows a recent screening of websites by the European Commission that showed in nearly 42% of cases claims were believed to be exaggerated, false, or deceptive - potentially qualifying as unfair commercial practices under EU rules.3  

As a reseller for Stephenson, we will furnish you with the safety and technical data sheets and collateral you need to back our natural sustainability claims. These assets include product imagery, videos, promotional content, and personalised guides that meet the needs of customers allowing you to build a strong brand presence.  

In addition, our two advanced laboratories mean we can offer a full support program while our research and development lab focuses on developing new technology and industrial chemical processes that drive innovation.  

We also subscribe to ISO 9001, and our manufacturing facility is certified to Soil Association, Ecocert, and NOP USDA, Kosher, and Fair Trade standards. Regular audits against these certificates ensure the products provided meet the very highest quality standards. This means you can promote our products with the full knowledge that our regulatory and certification specifications are up to date.   

A spectacular new product often starts with the relationship between the ingredient and format developer, and its reseller network. At Stephenson, we place a high value on synergies, trust, and knowledge with all our resellers. If you want to talk to us about becoming part of the Stephenson success story, contact our team today.

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Stephenson Sustainability
Timothy Pulleyn
Timothy Pulleyn Marketing Manager

Tim uses data and trends from the likes of market-leading brands, manufacturers and research companies to understand where customers should focus on future new product development.